Have Your Say: Public Open Space Strategy

The Town of Bassendean recognises the many social, economic, environmental and health benefits in providing the community with appropriately located, functional and attractive public open space (POS). These spaces play a fundamental role in increasing the liveability of the Town by providing recreational opportunities, conservation and environmental benefits, high amenity and venues for community interactions, events and programs.

The Town is currently responsible for the management of over 60ha of local open space (POS), including local parks, active playing fields and nature reserves. The Town also has an additional 83ha of regional open space reserved under the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS), including the Swan River foreshore areas and Bassendean Oval.

The strategy will provide clear direction and a framework for the provision, development and management of open space within the Town of Bassendean. It highlights several key actions that will enable the delivery of an integrated POS network that enhances the quality of life for the community and recognises the associated challenges.

To learn more, read the Frequently Asked Questions.

Get Involved

The public consultation period runs from Monday 3 February to Friday 28 February 2025. During this time, we encourage you to review the draft strategy and share your feedback, focusing on the strategic recommendations.

Where to View the Strategy

  • Online: View the draft Public Open Space Strategy here.
  • In Person: You can read a copy at the Customer Service Centre, Bassendean Memorial Library, Wind in the Willows Early Childhood Education Centres, and the Volunteer Centre.

How to Provide Feedback

  • In Writing: Email [email protected]. By mail to PO Box 87, Bassendean WA 6934, or drop off at the Customer Service Centre, 35 Old Perth Road, Bassendean, from 9 am to 4.30 pm on weekdays.
  • By phone or in person: Call 9377 8000 to schedule a time to share your feedback with our Community Development team.

Your feedback will help us refine the strategy before it goes to Council for approval. This is your opportunity to contribute to making Bassendean a more vibrant and active place for everyone, so we encourage you to get involved!

Public Open Space Strategy Frequently Asked Questions

The Town is currently seeking feedback on its draft Public Open Space (POS) Strategy.

What is POS?

Public Open Space (POS) generally refers to urban green spaces, parklands, play areas, playing fields, bushland, greenways and other similar spaces people use for recreation, sport and social interaction.

The Town is currently responsible for the management of over 60ha of Public Open Space (POS), including local parks, active playing fields and nature reserves. The Town also has an additional 84ha of regional open space reserved under the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) including the Swan River foreshore areas and Bassendean Oval.

What is a Public Open Space Strategy?

To ensure the future protection, provision and management of the sites meet the ongoing needs of the community, the Town has prepared a POS Strategy. The strategy will provide guidance on the provision, development, management and use of the POS within the Town of Bassendean.

Why has this been prepared?

The need for a POS Strategy stems from the Town's adopted Local Planning Strategy, which provides the following action: "Undertake a public open space needs assessment to determine the standard, distribution and any deficiencies of, the Town's public open space".

What are the objectives of the strategy?

The objectives of the strategy are to:

(i) Maximise the value of open spaces for the community through improved amenity and functionality, within the financial capacity of the Town;

(ii) Identify and respond to the impacts of development, population growth, demographic change and competing demands and functions on POS;

(iii) Establish appropriate levels of service across the POS hierarchy to ensure POS is cost effective to maintain; and

(iv) Ensure the design and development of POS meets conservation and environmental outcomes, including responding to climate change.

How was the POS prepared?

The Town conducted a detailed evaluation of the current POS provision in terms of its quality; based upon design, functionality, infrastructure provision, accessibility, surveillance and maintenance standard. The results of the evaluation are contained within the strategy document.

What did the evaluation of the Town's Public Open Space reveal?

Much of the Town’s POS suffers from poor interfaces, often with solid fencing and limited opportunities for passive surveillance. The interface characteristics of a reserve are a key consideration when determining future upgrades (or downgrades) to the recreational infrastructure, with there being an understandable desire to ensure any new or upgraded infrastructure is located within reserves that enjoy the greatest passive surveillance and visual amenity. 

When assessing a determining subdivision and development proposals for land abutting POS, apply CPTED/passive surveillance principles, particularly in relation to major openings, lighting and fencing. It is also recommended, that in the longer term, that the Town investigates opportunities and merits of providing bespoke development controls for sites directly abutting areas of POS, so as to improve the public/private interface and to maximise passive surveillance of those spaces. 

How will the strategy affect me?

The strategy will determine the longer-term POS quantities and quality within the Town. As a resident of the Town, you are invited to have input on how you currently think POS is performing based on your own current experiences and what you expect the future POS standard to be.

The outcomes of the strategy will determine the longer-term POS network across the district, including the distribution and infrastructure diversity and quality.

What are the strategy recommendations?

The draft strategy contains a series of short- and long-term recommendations. The draft recommendations are summarised below:






To (i) impose an appropriate “cash-in-lieu” condition on development approvals that seek to create three or more dwellings and (ii) recommend to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) that it impose an appropriate “cash-in-lieu” condition on subdivision approvals that seek to create three or more lots. This position may be formalised via a Local Planning Policy.



Enhancement of Open Space

That the Town, as funding and resources allow, enhances open spaces through fit for purpose upgrades throughout the district. In prioritising any competing upgrades, the Town shall have regard to the existing level of service, cost of the required upgrades, nearby recreational opportunities and community demand.


When developing and/or upgrading POS, using an assessment matrix based on agreed criteria, the Town will seek to:

  • Adopt water sensitive urban design principles and ensure and changes to the space do not compromise any existing water management functions;
  • Increase tree canopy cover and shade, using endemic native vegetation, where practical, to provide and enhance ecological linkages;
  • Incorporate Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles;
  • Apply resource-efficient strategies (e.g. hydrozoning, native planting, etc.) to minimise natural resource use;
  • Ensure bushfire risk is minimised;

·         Plan and develop sporting facilities and assets through relevant studies, audits and master planning;

  • Cater for people of all abilities;
  • Provide play equipment, as contemplated by this strategy.




Subdivision and Development

When determining subdivision and development proposals for land abutting POS, apply CPTED/passive surveillance principles, particularly in relation to major openings and fencing, as well as investigate the opportunities and merits of providing bespoke development controls for abutting sites so as to improve the public/private interface.



Pedestrian Access

Where possible, improve pedestrian access to existing areas of POS throughout the district. In prioritising any competing improvements, the Town shall have regard to existing maintenance standard, nearby recreational opportunities and community demand.



Environmentally Sensitive Areas

Ensure linkages and access to environmentally sensitive areas is appropriately managed to minimise environmental impacts.



Play Equipment

Retire play equipment infrastructure when infrastructure reaches the end of its economic life.

Long term / subject to infrastructure life


Urban Greening

Consider additional planting to create mini-urban forests, increasing tree canopy within the district.

Short term and in some cases, subject to point 6 above.


Dog Areas

Review the existing on and off-leash designations for reserves.

Short term


School sites

Advocate to the Department of Education for active sporting and recreational play-spaces on school sites to be available for broader community use.



Maintenance Program

Review Levels of Service to ensure maintenance is responsive to community values and changing needs, and ensure that the POS maintenance program is appropriate based on the hierarchy and purpose of each area of POS.

Short term, and periodically


Intersection of Old Perth Road and Surrey Street

Reconfiguring the above intersection in accordance with the Council-adopted Town Centre Masterplan, by (i) converting Reserve 21990 (Surrey Street POS) to road reserve (554m2) and (ii) closing the redundant portion of Old Perth Road (1,384m2) and converting it to open space abutting Bassendean Oval.

Medium term


How can I make a submission?

Submissions can be made in writing to the Town and can be emailed to [email protected], posted to PO Box 87, Bassendean WA 6934 or hand delivered to the Town's Customer Service Centre or Library. Submissions are to be made by close of business on the 28 February 2025.

I have more questions, who can help?

You can discuss with the Town's Community Development team by calling (08) 9377 8000 for an appointment.

Contact Details