Verge Permit

Under the verge permit scheme, all works that require a building or demolition permit will also require a verge permit from the Town before any work commences.

The verge permit application must contain:

  1. A satisfactorily completed Application for Permits Form
  2. A site plan indicating all assets within the verge (footpath, verge trees, road, kerb, and crossover) and the proposed works on the property or verge.

Works must not commence until the applicant has received and paid for their verge permit.

Fees and Charges of the current financial year 2024/2025

Verge Permit Fee (non-refundable) For issue of the verge permit.

Security Bond (refundable)

The security bond must be paid by the applicant either upon application or following the building permit approval. The applicant must complete the Infrastructure Security Bond Payment Form and submit to the Town for processing. The bond amount is as per the current Fees and Charges and will be retained for the entirety of the building works.

Bonds are held to ensure the Town’s existing infrastructure (footpath, road, kerb, verge tree, drainage, crossovers including redundant, and other utility services) adjacent to building sites are protected and returned in an acceptable condition following the conclusion of any building works. It is the applicant's responsibility to protect these assets and ensure they remain in a safe working order for all community users whilst works are being completed.

Following the completion of the building permit works, the Town of Bassendean will inspect the verge /verge assets.     

  • If the Town’s infrastructure is returned in an acceptable condition, the Infrastructure Refund Payment Request is to be completed by the applicant. The Town will authorise and process the bond refund in the next available payment run, which will be deposited into the applicants nominated bank account.
  • If damage has occurred during the development works, the Town will request for the damage to be re-instated, this will be at the applicant’s cost. Reinstatements and/or replacement of assets shall be to the satisfaction of the Town and shall comply with Town of Bassendean specifications and WALGA reinstatement guidelines. If the damage is not reinstated the security bond will be withheld by the Town to cover the costs for any repairs, which the Town will organise immediately. If the costs incurred to the Town are in excess of the bond amount held, the applicant will be liable to reimburse the Town of Bassendean for any additional amount. In the event of any disputes, they will be handled as per the Town’s complaints process.
Security Bond Inspection Fee (non-refundable)

Inspection of Town infrastructure at the conclusion of building works.

Related Forms and Information

Who can I contact if I have questions?

Please put all queries in writing to [email protected].