The Town of Bassendean is committed to advocating for a range of projects that are important to our community. These projects focus on critical areas such as economic development, social advancement, and legislative improvements. By identifying gaps in services, programs, and infrastructure, the Town seeks to develop sustainable solutions and work with decision-makers to secure the necessary support and funding. Each year, the Town prioritises its advocacy efforts to align with broader strategic goals and ensure that our community's needs are met both now, and in the future. The Town's approach to advocacy is outlined in the Advocacy Policy.
Read more about the Town's current advocacy priorities in the documents below.
2024/25 Advocacy Priorities
Town of Bassendean 2024/25 Advocacy Priorities
Jubilee Reserve Redevelopment
Jubilee Reserve Concept Masterplan and Building Design
Jubilee Reserve Redevelopment Business Case
Bassendean Oval Redevelopment Project
At the December 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting, Town of Bassendean Council endorsed a revised Concept Masterplan for the redevelopment of Bassendean Oval, marking a key step in the precinct's future transformation. The plan reflects extensive community consultation, with 1,144 survey responses, workshops, and submissions shaping the final design.
Key updates include removing two proposed residential buildings on the eastern side, relocating potential residential developments to the northern end, and repositioning the footbridge to minimise potential impacts to private properties. These changes balance community feedback with long-term planning objectives.
Explore the full details and related documents here:
Transforming Bassendean - The Bassendean Oval Redevelopment Project

Bassendean Oval Redevelopment Concept Presentation
Bassendean Oval Redevelopment Concept FAQs
Bassendean Oval Precinct – Community Consultation Report (Paatsch Group)
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage Response to Proposed Bassendean Oval Masterplan