Keeping Chickens & Poultry

The Town’s Animals, Environment and Nuisance Local Law 2019 stipulates the requirements for keeping of poultry. Residents may keep up to 12 fowls or 6 ducks, and approval is required to keep geese, turkeys, pea-fowls, or roosters.

It is important to keep enclosures free from excrement, filth, food waste and all other matter which is, or is likely to become offensive or attract rats or other vectors of disease. The enclosure must be maintained and in a clean condition at all times so as to avoid offensive odours, and faeces and food waste must be disposed of in such a manner that it will not create a nuisance.  Stored food should be kept in sealed containers that are fly and vermin proof and it is recommended an adequate fly and rodent control program is implemented.  Further information for keeping of poultry is available from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

To report a poultry nuisance issue with a neighbouring property, call Customer Service on 9377 8000 or email with your contact details and the address of the property of concern. Your request will be allocated to an Environmental Health Officer for follow-up.

Keeping of Poultry - Information Sheet