Tree Canopy
Protection and enhancement of tree canopy has been identified by the local community as a priority, supported by the Strategic Community Plan and several council policies and planning documents.
Tree Canopy Action Plan
In July 2023, Council adopted the Tree Canopy Action Plan 2023 - 2027. The Plan includes 26 existing and 15 new actions to be implemented over four years, relating to tree protection, tree management, strategic planning, partnerships and advocacy, community awareness, programs, monitoring, and review.
Street and Reserve Tree Policy and Celebration Trees Policy
The Street and Reserve Tree Council Policy sets a target to increase tree canopy cover to 30% by 2040 and aims to provide a consistent approach to the care, control and management of trees on land vested with or managed by the Town of Bassendean. The Celebration Trees Council Policy aims to provide consistent and effective administration in relation to requests for the planting of celebration trees. Visit the Trees & Verges webpage for request forms and more information.
Adopt a Tree Program
The Adopt a Tree program invites community members to help care for street trees on the verges adjacent to their property. Participants in the program can assist by:
- Monitoring the street tree and notifying the Town of any problems.
- Watering the tree.
- Transforming the verge into a waterwise garden, with support from the Town’s Verge Rebate program.
As per the Street and Reserve Trees Council Policy, the pruning or maintenance of trees is restricted to Town employees or a qualified arborist approved by the Town.
For further information please refer to the Adopt a Tree Program Information Sheet
If you would like to adopt a street tree, please complete and submit the Online Form - Adopt a Tree Program, email [email protected] or call 9377 8000.
Benefits of Trees