In July 2020, Council adopted a new Strategic Community Plan (SCP), which defines the Town’s vision, aspirations and priorities for the next 10 years. It is the key guiding document that informs all other plans, strategies and policies and the Town’s actions and decisions.
One of the seven priority areas is “Strengthening and Connecting our Community”, which seeks to create an environment where people feel safe and welcomed, and the Town recognises that safety and security, both actual and perceived, are essential to fostering a sense of wellbeing and place.
Whilst the SCP is a high-level, strategic document, it clearly demonstrates the Town’s desire for a safe environment and connected community, in which we all have a part to play. This page contains information to help businesses operate, grow and prosper.
Community Safety Statement
CCTV Rebate Scheme 2022/23
Closed circuit television (CCTV) is a useful tool in the detection and investigation of community safety and crime problems. The Town of Bassendean has developed a rebate scheme to increase the number of CCTV Systems in the Town and to assist the WA Police Force in keeping the community safe.
Eligible residents can receive 50% of the total cost of a new CCTV system up to $200.
Interested residents can read the full terms and conditions in the Information Sheet and contact the Town on 9377 8000 or [email protected] with any queries.
Information Sheet
Application Form
Online Application Form