Development Assessment Panels

The Town of Bassendean forms part of the Metro Inner Development Assessment Panel (DAP).  DAPs will meet and determine development applications within certain class and value thresholds set in the Planning and Development (Development Assessment Panels) Regulations 2011.


The Development Assessment Panel (DAP) is an independent body that makes decisions on certain development applications, replacing the local government authority and/or the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) as the original decision makers.

DAPs were created by the WAPC to enhance planning expertise in decision making by improving the balance between technical advice and local knowledge for larger-scale developments. DAPs consist of three specialist members and two local government councillors by ministerial appointment.

What is the Town’s role in the process?

Development applications that need DAP determination are submitted to the Town of Bassendean. The Town then informs the DAP of the received application and conducts an assessment according to the relevant planning framework.

The assessment process may include advertising of the application for public comment or referral to state government agencies, if required by the planning framework.

The Town assesses the application against the local planning scheme, policies, and relevant state planning policies. This includes evaluation of the potential impacts of traffic, noise, environmental, built form, and impacts on the community.

Once the application has been assessed, the Town’s Planning Officers will prepare a Responsible Authority Report (RAR). The RAR will include a comprehensive assessment of the proposal against the relevant planning frameworks and will include reference to any public submissions, and a recommendation on how the application should be determined.

A copy of the RAR may be presented to Council for its formal consideration. Where Council provides a resolution that differs to the officer's recommendation within the RAR, the Council resolution is inserted into the RAR before it is provided to the DAP secretariat. The RAR and the Council minutes are required to included details as to why the Council resolution differs from the officer's recommendation.

A JDAP determination must be made within 60 days (RAR to be completed in 48 days) if the application does not require advertising and 90 days (RAR to be completed in 78 days) if advertising is required.

Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) Meetings

The time, date, location, and agenda of each JDAP meeting must be published at least 7 days before the meeting on both the DAP and the Town’s website. The Town will also inform any person who made a made a submission about the meeting.

The DAP secretariat circulates the RAR, agenda, application and supporting documentation to JDAP members prior to the meeting. The Town will also provide a copy of the agenda on its website.

JDAP meetings are open to the public, however only those invited to present may address the JDAP. The presiding member may ask people who have made a submission to make a short presentation.

Members of the public can request to make a presentation. Requests must be made no less than 72 hours (or 3 ordinary days) before the meeting and are at the discretion of the presiding member. Presentations cannot exceed 5 minutes.

Each member of the JDAP is entitled to one vote on each matter. In the event of a member being absent from the meeting, the person presiding (the presiding member or deputy presiding member) will have the power to cast the vote.

After the meeting, the minutes are finalised, and a determination letter is sent to the applicant by the DAP secretariat. The Town will also notify people who have made a submission of the decision and provide a copy of the minutes on its website.

For more information on the DAP assessment process, visit the Planning Online website.

Further information on DAP applications, assessment processes and meetings are available here:

Relevant Forms

DAP Application Form 1

DAP Application Form 2

DAP Fee Schedule

Presentation Request Form

Agendas and Minutes

Agendas and Minutes of DAP meetings are available below.

Agendas and Minutes



30 August 2012 Agenda 30 August 2012 Minutes
29 April 2013 Agenda 29 April 2013 Minutes

9 December 2013 Agenda
9 December 2013 Attachment 1
9 December 2013 Attachment 2
9 December 2013 Attachment 3

9 December 2013 Minutes
9 February 2015 2015 Agenda 9 February 2015 Minutes
15 May 2015 Agenda 15 May 2015 Minutes
23 June 2015 Agenda 23 June 2015 Minutes
6 October 2016 Agenda 6 October 2016 Minutes
29 May 2017 Agenda 29 May 2017 Minutes
21 August 2017 Agenda 21 August 2017 Minutes
11 September 2017 Agenda 11 September 2017 Minutes
25 January 2018 Agenda 25 January 2018 Minutes
8 February 2018 Agenda 8 February 2018 Minutes
31 October 2018 Agenda 31 October 2018 Minutes
27 November 2018 Agenda 27 November 2018 Minutes
28 October 2019 Agenda 28 October 2019 Minutes
14 October 2020 Agenda 14 October 2020 Minutes
13 April 2021 Agenda 13 April 2021 Minutes
6 August 2021 Agenda 6 August 2021 Minutes
3 December 2024 Agenda 3 December 2024 Minutes