Disability, Access and Inclusion

Disability, Access and Inclusion Plan

The Disability, Access and Inclusion Plan outlines the Town’s commitment to enhancing accessibility and inclusion in Bassendean, with the aim of enabling people of all abilities to participate more fully in social, economic, and recreational activities. The plan builds on the progress made over the last five years and provides a roadmap for improving access to services, facilities, and opportunities for all residents, particularly those with disabilities. It is a legislative requirement under the WA Disability Services Act (1993) that each local government has a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan in place.

 The Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) 2024-2028 was officially adopted by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday, 19 November 2024. This new plan builds on the progress made under the previous DAIP (2019-2024).

 The DAIP 2024-2028 outlines actions to improve access to public spaces, enhance services to be more inclusive, and promote a community culture that values diversity and inclusion. Key actions the Town will implement include incorporating universal access principles into the Playgrounds Renewal Program and establishing a Disability Access and Inclusion Working Group, which will include community representatives to help monitor the plan's progress and review its effectiveness.

 View the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) 2024-2028.

 Audio and large print versions will be available by March 2025.

 If you have any questions or need help to access the plan, contact the Community Development team at 9377 8000 or at [email protected].

Disability Support 


Phone: 9387 0555 

Provides a wide range of services to enable adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities to pursue a better life.

Services include:

  • Accommodation
  • Home care
  • Employment
  • Transport
  • Alternatives to employment
  • Training
  • Recreation.

    Atwork Australia

    Phone: 1300 080 856  

    Helping people living with disability, injury or health condition find meaningful work.

    We can help you look for: 

    • Work that reflects your interests and goals.
    • Work that matches your abilities and skills.
    • Work that helps you get what you want out of life.

    Bila Counselling and Support Services

    Phone: 1300 564 621
    Bila Counselling and Support Services

    Bila Counselling and Support Services provides affordable, evidence-based disability support and counselling for people of all ages.

    Citizen Advocacy Perth West Inc.

    Phone: 9445 9991 
    Citizen Advocacy Perth West Inc.

    Matching those with an intellectual disability and no involved family, with a volunteer in a supportive one to one relationship.

    Inclusion WA

    Phone: 9201 8900
    Inclusion WA

    Inclusion WA works with people with a disability who want to become involved in recreational and sporting groups and activities, and the people/associations that want to support them in that. 

    Inclusion WA work alongside individuals who are disadvantaged, disconnected from society or living with a disability to provide opportunities for them to be involved in leisure, recreation, sport, education, volunteering and employment. They also work alongside community groups to make them more accessible for people living with disabilities.

    National Disability insurance Scheme

    Phone: 1800 800 110

    The NDIS provides funding to eligible people with disability to gain more time with family and friends, greater independence, access to new skills, jobs, or volunteering in their community, and an improved quality of life. 

    The NDIS also connects anyone with disability to services in their community.

    This includes connections to doctors, community groups, sporting clubs, support groups, libraries and schools, as well as providing information about what support is provided by each state and territory government.

    Technology for Ageing and Disability WA Inc. (TADWA)

    Phone: 08 9379 7400

    Help older people, people with disability and their carers do what is important to them. Their occupational therapists and technicians work with hundreds of people every year, listening to what is important and helping live their lives. TADWA is a ‘team of teams’, operating across six different disciplines and generating a range of innovative solutions to the challenges faced by older people and people with disability, by providing advice, education, assessment, support & innovative collaboration with you.

    Young Carers WA

    Phone: 1300 227 377
    Free call: 1800 007 332
    Young Carers WA

    For children and young people 8-25 years old who have a family member with either a disability, a mental or chronic illness or a drug and alcohol related issue. Provides emotional support, camps and social activities and information and referrals to young carers and their families and other service providers working with young carers. Carers WA and Young Carers in Action strive to raise community awareness of young carers and identify hidden young carers who need support.

    Accessible Transport for People with Disability

     WA Department of Transport

    The Department of Transport has a range of information to support and assist the community in matters relating to accessible transport, including information on:

    • Vehicles for people with disability
    • Wheelchair accessible taxis
    • Taxi User Subsidy Scheme
    • ACROD Parking Program
    • Transporting a guide dog
    • Accessible Public Transport and Special assistance at train stations.

       For more information visit the Public Transport Authority website.

      Accessible ACROD Parking

      A valid ACROD parking sticker must be displayed clearly when parking in any ACROD bay.

       A list of Town of Bassendean accessible ACROD bays can be found below.

      Services Australia Mobility Allowance

      Services Australia Mobility Allowance provides a payment to help with travel costs for work, study or looking for work if you have a disability, illness or injury that means you can't use public transport. For more information on eligibility requirements or to obtain an application form call 132 717 or visit Services Australia.

      Accessible Facilities and Amenities in the Town of Bassendean  

      Community Facilities with Accessible Toilets

      • Bassendean Memorial Library
      • Bassendean Community Hall
      • Seniors and Community Centre
      • Alf Faulkner Hall
      • Ashfield Sports Club
      • Bassendean Community Men’s Shed
      • Maltese Club
      • Swan District’s Football Club
      • Bassendean Youth Services
      • Hawaiian’s Bassendean

      Accessible Dining

      • Bassendean Hotel
      • Hawaiian’s Bassendean: Dome, Gloria Jeans, Subway, Xpresso Lane Cafe

        Accessible Medical Facilities

        • Bassendean Total Health Care
        • Bassendean Family Practice
        • Terry White Chemmart
        • Home Care Pharmacy Bassendean
        • Bassendean Pharmacy
        • Ashfield Community Chemist

        Reserves with Accessible Toilets

        • Sandy Beach Playground
        • Point Reserve
        • Ashfield Reserve
        • BIC Reserve
        • Mary Crescent Reserve Playground (Alf Faulkner Hall)