Community Funding & Grants


For more information on any of the Town of Bassendean Community Funding programs please see the Community Funding Policy or contact us on 9377 8000 or [email protected]

Community Grants Program

Funding for the 2024-2025 financial year has been depleted. Community Grant Applications cannot be received until July 2025.

The Sponsorship and Grants program enables the Town to collaborate with local groups, organisations, individuals and local business to deliver initiatives that increase social cohesion, promote inclusion, and deliver economic and environmental benefits.

The Town’s Community Grant Program supports community projects, programs, and events that align with the Town’s Strategic objectives with funding of up to $2,000.

Applications will remain open until the predetermined funding pool is exhausted.

Community Grants Program Application

Successful grant recipients

Community Insurance

The current round for the Community Insurance Program is now closed as the funding allocation has been exhausted.

If you'd like to receive future updates and be added to the waitlist, feel free to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI). 

Insurance may be provided to eligible community groups (excluding sporting clubs) under the Town's Community Insurance Program. Whilst insurance is primarily for established community groups located in the Town, consideration will also be given to community groups based outside of the Town that significantly contribute to the Town of Bassendean community and proposed community groups unable to deliver community-facing initiatives due to the costs of insurance.

Other eligibility requirements include:

  • Must have an annual turnover of less than $100,000
  • Must not be registered sole traders or businesses
  • Must not be able to access insurance through an affiliate association or state/national body

New groups are considered when the policy is renewed each year. Please register your interest to be considered.

Community Insurance Program Expression of Interest Form

Bassendean Grants Hub

A free service which allows Town of Bassendean businesses, community groups and residents to search for government and corporate grants. 

Bassendean Grants Hub

Fee Waiver Request

The Town may consider waiving certain fees depending on benefits to the wider community.

Link to form

Donation Request

General donations of up to $250 may be available to not-for-profit organisations and charities located in or servicing the local community. 

Link to form

CCTV Rebate Scheme

Closed circuit television (CCTV) is a useful tool in the detection and investigation of community safety and crime problems. The Town of Bassendean has developed a rebate scheme to increase the number of CCTV Systems in the Town and to assist the WA Police Force in keeping the community safe.

Eligible residents can receive 50% of the total cost of a new CCTV system up to $200.

Interested residents can read the full terms and conditions in the Information Sheet and contact the Town on 9377 8000 or [email protected] with any queries.

Information Sheet

Application Form

Online Application Form

Dudley Robinson Youth Grant

This grant supports young people aged 12 to 25 to develop their potential in their chosen area of pursuit.

Dudley Robinson Youth Grant Application


KidSport enables eligible children aged 5-18 years to participate in community sport and recreation by offering them financial assistance towards club fees.

More Information on Kidsport