Native Wildlife

The Town of Bassendean is home to many native animals. These are considered wild animals and are legally protected, whether they live in natural areas or in your own backyard. Most wild animals are harmless but, occasionally, a few species can cause problems. Most animals are following their instincts and taking advantage of the opportunities available to them.

Sick or Injured Wildlife

If you find sick or injured wildlife the best thing you can do is call the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attraction’s Wildcare Helpline on 9474 9055.

The Wildcare Helpline is a 24-hour telephone referral service operated by volunteers who can provide advice on where to find care for sick, injured or orphaned wildlife. The website also includes instructions on basic first aid for wildlife.

Further information on helping sick and injured native wildlife, please see: Helping sick or injured native wildlife | Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.

Other contacts for helping sick and injured animals:

If rescuing a native animal, please note the exact location where you found it, as this will be important when it is released.

Baby Birds

If you find a baby bird on the ground, trying to rescue it is not always the best thing to do, as the parents of the bird may be nearby and already taking care of it.  

You could try to protect the baby bird by removing any hazards, such as keeping dogs, cats and people away from the area. Some baby birds might need specialist care, depending on their age, health, and the situation. Read the Wildcare Baby Bird tips for more information.

Feeding Wild Birds and Animals

Please do not feed wild animals or birds. Many animals can become used to the presence of people and learn to take advantage of food scraps and offerings, which can upset the balance of nature and impact their health.  Inappropriate foods can also make native wildlife sick. For example, feeding bread to ducks and other waterbirds can cause a wing deformity called angel wing.  

Further information about feeding wildlife, and how to interact with wildlife in a safe manner, can be found here: Feeding wildlife - Healthy Wildlife, Healthy Lives.

Swooping Magpies

The natural behaviour of magpies is to defend their territory to protect eggs and young from attack during the nesting season, generally between August to October each year. For more information on swooping magpies, refer to: Living with native wildlife | Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.


Snakes are an important part of the natural environment with a vital role in wildlife ecosystems. In spring and summer, many reptiles emerge to bask in the sun. During this time, it’s important to be extra careful to avoid snakes. 

If you see a snake:  

  • Do not approach or aggravate it in any way, as most bites occur when people accidentally step on snakes, or while attempting to kill them.
  • If the snake is in your garden or house, call the Wildcare Helpline (08) 9474 9055 for advice and contact numbers for licensed reptile removers.

For more information on dealing with snakes, including tips on minimising close encounters, please visit Living with native wildlife | Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions. If you are bitten by a snake, call 000 immediately and treat the bite following St John Ambulance recommendations.

Possums in Roofs

Possums can sometimes cause a nuisance when they live in the roof cavities of properties. DBCA provides a fact sheet for dealing will possums on private property: Living with native wildlife | Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.

Bee Swarms

Part of bee colony reproduction involves swarming which usually occurs during September to November. Swarming occurs when a queen bee and a large number of worker bees move from an old hive to find a location for a new hive. The bees form a ball like formation (about the size of a football) and settle on vegetation or another object. A bee swarm is not a hive but can still cause a nuisance. Bees will usually disperse within 1 to 2 days when a new hive location is found.

Removal of bee swarms on private property is the responsibility of the property owner. A swarm collector or licensed pest control operator should be contacted to remove the bees. The Western Australian Apiarists Society has a list of swarm collectors on its website.  

For more information on bee swarms visit the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development website.

Bee swarms in parks and on Town land can be reported to us on (08) 9377 8000 or by email at [email protected].

Dead Fish

Dead fish are often found on the foreshore. Blowfish in particular are frequently seen as they are often caught as bycatch and are susceptible to environmental changes including low oxygen.

If you see significant numbers of dead fish (other than blowfish) on the Swan or Canning rivers contact the Parks and Wildlife Service on (08) 9278 0900 or after hours on (08) 9278 0981.