Once your application is approved by the Department of Home Affairs, the final step to becoming an Australian Citizen is attending a Citizenship Ceremony and making your Pledge of Commitment. The Town of Bassendean typically hosts three ceremonies each year to welcome our new local citizens, in January, May, and September.
Six to 10 weeks before each ceremony, the Town will send email invitations to eligible candidates, as directed by the Department of Home Affairs. Make sure to update your contact details with the Department if needed and regularly check your junk folder for invitations.
Please note that the Town does not receive updates or information about your application. If you have any inquiries about your application or require an urgent ceremony, please contact the Department of Home Affairs:
Citizenship Information Line: 13 18 80
Email: [email protected]
Customer Service Centre
Level 3
Wellington Central
836 Wellington Street
West Perth WA 6005
How can I become a citizen?
Website: Department of Home Affairs
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 13 18 80