Town of Bassendean Recognises Outstanding Community Contributions with 2024 Community Awards

Published on Monday, 27 May 2024 at 9:55:07 AM

The Town of Bassendean celebrated the exceptional contributions of its residents at the 2024 Community Awards and Citizenship Ceremony, held on Friday, 24 May at the Bassendean Community Hall. Coinciding with National Volunteer Week, this event honoured individuals whose dedication and service have strengthened the fabric of our community.

Mayor Kathryn Hamilton expressed gratitude to all those who submitted nominations, emphasising the importance of recognising people who make Bassendean a vibrant place to live with a strong community spirit.

The 2024 Community Award recipients exemplify the values of dedication, creativity, and service:

Best Verge Award
Recognising this contribution to beautifying our community, the Best Verge Award was presented to 17 Hardy Road, Bassendean. This verge is wonderfully presented, showcasing the natural beauty of Australian waterwise plants. This verge is also a favourite spot for birds and wildlife.

Youth Achievement Award
Genevieve Kent was honoured for her exceptional achievements within her Scout Group. From winning the prestigious Australian Scout Award to leading her team to victory in the Scouts WA navigation event, Genevieve's journey from a reserved Cub Scout to an inspiring leader is truly remarkable. She embodies patience, commitment, and resilience, showing that with determination, we can achieve greatness and inspire others along the way.

Lifetime Contribution to Volunteering
Carol Seidel and Valerie Ann Humphrey were recognised for their dedication and service spanning over four decades. Carol's remarkable artwork, preservation efforts, and advocacy for community causes have left an indelible mark on Bassendean. Likewise, Val's tireless commitment to greening our town and fostering community connections through various initiatives have enriched residents’ lives.

Community Leadership Award
Netta Thompson, a local artist, received the Community Leadership Award for her innovative contribution to enriching Bassendean's cultural landscape. Netta's vision for the 'Bindaring Creative Trail' transformed our town into a hub of artistic expression during a weekend in November, fostering connections between local artists and the wider community.

As we celebrate the achievements of these remarkable individuals, nominations for the Town of Bassendean 2025 Community Awards will open on 1 October 2024. Visit the Community Awards webpage for more information.

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