Waste Wise
Waste Wise
The Town of Bassendean Community Recycling Drop off Morning will now be held at EMRC Baywaste, 271 Collier Road, Bayswater on 15 October 2022 from 10am to 4pm.
The following items will be accepted free of charge for Town of Bassendean residents:
Tyres (passenger vehicle, off rim, up to 4)
- Cardboard
- E-waste
- Polystyrene
- Engine Oil (20L max)
- Lead Acid Batteries (car batteries)
- Aerosols (empty); and
All items (other than tyres) are accepted at Baywaste free of charge for Town of Bassendean residents during their opening hours:
Monday to Friday – 7:30am to 4pm
- Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays – 10am to 4pm
- Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day and Good Friday
Please bring ID and proof of address.
WA Return Recycle Renew Limited (WARRRL) research has shown that 86% of people recycle at home, but only 48% will recycle while out and about.
It is observed that an overwhelming majority of people do recycle, provided it is convenient.
The Town of Bassendean has been selected by WARRRL to receive funding to provide Container Exchange Points in local parks and busy streets where no other recycling options are available.
The Town has been provided with the initial infrastructure and audits free of charge, including 11 baskets and 6 cradles.
Opportunities to purchase additional infrastructure, at reduced costs, will be made available if the trial is a success.
The Container Exchange baskets and cradles have many benefits including;
- Separation at point of disposal, allowing an increased chance for 10c containers to be recycled
- Once installed, no logistics costs – the general public remove containers
- Provides an ability for the general public to take containers in a dignified way.
For more information on the program please visit WA Return Recycle Renew at warrrl.com.au.
The following items can be dropped off at the Customer Service Centre and/or Library:
- Mobile Phones (Customer Service Centre only)
- Fluorescent Lights (bulbs and tubes)
- Batteries - household (these are now accepted more widely at Bunnings etc)
- Nespresso Pods
- Writing instruments (excluding pencils)
- X-rays
- Printer cartridges
The following items can be dropped off at Wasteless Pantry:
- Plastic lids
- Bread tags
- Ring pulls
- Dental products
- Beauty products packaging only
- Beer bottle tops
- Metal lids
- Hair care products
- Hair colour packaging
Officeworks accepts:
- E-waste
- Printer cartridges and ink
- Mobile Phones
- Batteries
- Pens and markers
Bassendean Optical accepts:
- Used spectacles for recycling/reuse
Major supermarkets such as Coles and Woolworths accept:
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