Mary Crescent Reserve (Closed)

The Our Park, Our Place project at Mary Crescent Reserve is a collaborative project aimed at reconnecting people with nature in their neighbourhood.

It has a strong focus on working together with local governments in some of Perth’s most heat-stressed areas to enhance the wellbeing of residents. One park (on the traditional lands of the Noongar people) has been chosen in each local government area of Bassendean, Bayswater, Belmont and Canning. At each park, we are working with local residents to create cool green places by introducing more planting and trees to enhance existing green spaces.

Throughout the project the Community will be invited to have their say about how they use the park and its facilities and what they best think will benefit the community. There will be community planting projects, workshops and a focus on sustainability and water wise programs, we will retain all the current uses of the park including the playground and as a space for dog walking. You can participate by coming along to the events and workshops, having your say on the surveys and letting us know what you expect of a community space.

The concept design and planting palette, developed in consultation with the community, can be viewed on the Greening Australia website.


Keep up to date with the project with the latest Newsletter


Upcoming Events:

Mary Crescent Reserve Community Day, Sunday November 7, 9 am to noon
Come down for a day of fun activities in the sun to celebrate the achievements of the Our Parks, Our Place project. There will be live music, wearable art, food and drink vendors and games:

Post Project Survey, open till November 30
We'd like to know what you thought about this project.
Even if you didn’t participate in any activities or events connected with this project, please complete this survey and let us know what you think about trees and green spaces. Your views will assist with understanding what is important to the community in planning future green space projects. To complete the survey follow this link: 

Project Supporters

Greening Australia

Greening Australia(External link) will organise workshops for the community to learn more about the unique WA environment and take action to create a greener and more connected neighbourhood. (External link)

Greening Australia

Water Corporation

Water Corporation's Drainage for Liveability Program supporting how water can make our communities more sustainable, productive, resilient and liveable.(External lin

Water Corporation's Drainage for Liveability Program

(External link)


Thank you to Lotterywest for providing funding towards the project

Behaviour Change Collaborative

Thank you for the Behaviour Change Collaborative for collating and analysing the community feedback

Behaviour Change Collaborative


Project Timeline
  • Gather Community Ideas

    For park design and attitudes towards local Green Spaces
  • Presentation of Proposed Design

    December 2020
  • Community Workshops

    Planting Preparation Days and Community Workshops Early 2021
  • Ground-works Undertaken

    Early 2021
  • Community Planting Days

    Winter 2021
  • Community Survey and Evaluation

    Winter 2021
  • Community Celebration

    Spring 2021