Published on Wednesday, 17 March 2021 at 11:20:29 AM
The Town of Bassendean is piloting a verge grant program in 2021 and is seeking expressions of interest for participants.
The program will be designed so a limited number of rebates can be given to residents who transform their verges from grass/hardstand to water wise verges. The size of the rebates will be dependent on the number of subscribers to the program, but is expected to be between $150 and $250.
To register your interest in the program, please fill out the form below or contact the Town on 9377 8000.
Please make sure you meet the following eligibility criteria before lodging your expression of interest.
Expressions of Interest will close by 31 March 2021.
Please note that funding is limited and submission of an Expression of Interest does not guarantee selection for the grant program.
If you submit an Expression of Interest, you will receive an email after March 31 confirming if you will be a participant in the 2021 verge grant program or if you were unsuccessful for this round.
The submission period has now closed.
This initiative is proudly co-funded by Water Corporation’s Waterwise Greening Scheme and forms part of our ambition for Town of Bassendean to be a leading waterwise city.
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