As you look over Ashfield Flats, there is a great opportunity to see and listen to a whole range of birds.

Locals, Geoff and Jan Addison have come up with a list of almost 100 bird species that have been seen on Ashfield Flats and Photographer, Alan Brumley has photographed a great number of them.

Keep scrolling down if you want to see Geoff and Jan’s list with picture of the birds. All Photos are by Alan Brumley unless otherwise stated.

If you see a bird and are not sure what it is, try looking through the photos below.

Alternatively, for more information, try the link to the Bird finder site which is part of BirdLife Australia



If you would like to listen to the sounds of the dawn chorus on Ashfield Flats or the Frog Chorus, have a listen to the files below. Press Play and select the "Listen in Browser" button to listen.

To learn more about the frogs, why not try the Australian Museum Frog ID app go to https://www.frogid.net.au/


Birds seen on Ashfield flats:

28 Parrot - photo Mick Oliver

Australasian Hobby - photo A Brumley

Australasian Darter - photo L Bromell

Australasian Shoveler - photo Alan Brumley

Australian Shelduck - photo Alan Brumley

Australian Wood Duck- photo Alan Brumley

Barn Owl

Black-faced cuckoo-shrike - photo Alan Brumley

Black Fronted Dotterel - photo David Parker

Black-shouldered Kite - photo Alan Brumley

Black Swan - photo Alan Brumley

Black-winged Stilts - photo Alan Brumley

Blue Billed Duck

Boobook Owl - photo Alan Brumley

Brown Goshawk - photo Alan Brumley

Brown honeyeater - photo Alan Brumley

Brown Songlark

Buff-banded Rail - photo Alan Brumley

Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo - photo Alan Brumley

Caspian Tern - Photo provided by Neville Horner 

Chestnut Teal - photo Alan Brumley

Common Bronzewing

Common Sandpiper

Coot - Photo provided by Neville Horner 

Crested Pigeon 2

Crested Tern - photo Alan Brumley

Golden Whistler

Great Crested Grebes - photo Alan Brumley

Great Egret- photo Alan Brumley

Grey Butcherbird - photo Alan Brumley

Grey Fantail - photo Alan Brumley

Grey Teal

Horsfield's Cuckoo - photo Alan Brumley

Inland Thornbill - Photo provided by Neville Horner


Kookaburra - photo Alan Brumley

Large Black Cormorant

Large Pied Cormorant

Laughing Turtle Dove - photo Chris Tate

Little Black cormorant - photo Alan Brumley

Little Corellas - photo Laurence Sanders

Little Egret

Little Grassbird - photo Alan Brumley

Little Grebe - photo Alan Brumley

Little Pied Cormorant - photo Alan Brumley

Magpie Lark - photo Lucy Bromell

Magpie - photo Alan Brumley


Maned Duck - photo Alan Brumley

Mistletoe Bird - photo Alan Brumley


Musk Duck

Nankeen Heron - photo Alan Brumley

New Holland Honeyeater - photo Alan Brumley

Osprey - photo Alan Brumley

Pacific Black Duck - photo Alan Brumley

Pallid Cuckoo - photo Alan Brumley

Pelican - photo Alan Brumley

Pink and Grey Galah - photo Alan Brumley

Pink Eared Duck - photo provided by Neville Horner 


Purple-backed Fairywren - photo Alan Brumley

Rainbow Bee-eater - photo Alan Brumley

Rainbow Lorikeet - photo Lindsay Preece

Red Capped Parrot 1 - photo Alan Brumley

Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo - photo Alan Brumley

Red Wattlebird - photo Alan Brumley

Reed Warbler

Rufous Songlark

Rufous Whistler - Male - photo Alan Brumley

Rufous Whistler - Female - photo Alan Brumley

Sacred Ibis - photo Alan Brumley

Sacred Kingfisher - photo Alan Brumley

Sea Eagle

Silvereye - photo Alan Brumley

Silver Gull - Photo Vrunda Sekhar

Singing Honeyeater - photo Alan Brumley

Sparrow Hawk

Splendid Fairy-wren - photo Alan Brumley

Splendid Wrens, male and female - photo Alan Brumley

Spoonbill - photo Alan Brumley

Spotless Crake

Spotted Crake

Spotted Dove - photo Alan Brumley

Spotted Pardalote - photo Alan Brumley

Straw-necked Ibis - Photo provided by Neville Horner

Striated Pardalote - photo Alan Brumley

Swamp Harrier

Swamp Hen - photo Alan Brumley

Tawny-crowned Honeyeater

Tree Martin

Weebill - Photo provided by Neville Horner 

Welcome Swallow - photo L Bromell 

Western Gerygone - photo Alan Brumley

Western Warbler

Western Wattlebird - photo Alan Brumley

Whistling Kite - photo Alan Brumley

White Cheeked Honeyeater- photo Alan Brumley

White-faced Heron - photo Alan Brumley

White-fronted Chat

White-necked Heron - photo Alan Brumley

White-winged Triller - photo Alan Brumley

Willie Wagtail - photo Alan Brumley

Yellow-rumped Thornbill - photo Alan Brumley

Yellow-billed Spoonbill - photo Alan Brumley