Online Form - Public Question Time

All members of the public may participate by asking a question or making a statement, during the public participation time at the beginning of each meeting. Members of the public are encouraged to submit their questions and statements in advance via the online form.

Under the Meeting Procedures Local Law 2020, members of the public are entitled to ask two questions at Council before other members of the public will be invited to ask their questions.

Should the meeting be held online, you have the option to participate in the meeting. This does not apply if the meeting is held in the Council Chamber.

Please advise if you wish to submit your questions for the meeting in person, to be held in the Council Chamber. If you do not wish to attend in person, you can submit your questions in writing.
Please advise if you wish to make a deputation for the meeting in person, to be held in the Council Chamber. If you do not wish to attend person, you can submit your deputation in writing.*

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