Your rates can be paid over the internet, in person or by mail.
We accept cash, cheque and EFTPOS at our Customer Service Centre.
If you have already signed up for e-rates, you can pay using credit card VIA the BPoint portal below.
Bpay is accessible anywhere and anytime via your online, mobile or phone banking. You will need to have your rates notice handy with your 10 digit reference number and biller code, which is shown on the bottom of your notice.

OR PHONE 1300 276 468
If you haven't already, you can sign up for e-rates by completing the form in the below link.

Post all mail payments to:
Town of Bassendean
PO Box 87
Bassendean WA 6934
Please retain the top of your rate notice as your record as receipts will not be issued.
Rates FAQ