Food Fundraising and Charitable Activities

A food business means a business, enterprise or activity that involves the handling of food for sale or the sale of food, regardless whether it is of a commercial, charitable or community nature, or, whether it involves the handling or sale of food, on one occasion only.

Section 6 of the Food Act 2008 allows for certain food preparation activities of a charitable or community nature to be exempt from some of the provisions of the Food Act.  One of the exemptions includes the registration of the food business.  The Food Act, however, still requires that the exempt food businesses ‘notify’ the local authority, of its intention to sell and/or handle food.  This form is to be used by an exempt food business to provide notification to the Local Authority in accordance with the Food Act 2008.

Notification Form

Which categories best describe your proposed business activities?

  • Food business is a charity or community group whereby food is for immediate consumption after being appropriately cooked e.g. sausage sizzle.
  • Food business is a charity or community group not involving the handling of potentially hazardous food (food requiring temperature control to prevent the growth of bacteria or toxins).

Event Co-ordinator's Information

Event Information

Will anyone else be preparing food from their home e.g. parents, parishioners, volunteers*This field is required.

Event Controls

Skills and Knowledge

Online Food Handler Training

Please complete the I’m ALERT food handler training program and attach copy of certificate.

I'm ALERT Food Handler Training Program Link      

It is recommended that all food handlers complete the training and provide a copy of their certificate to you for your records.

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Labelling of Food

Labelling of Food

Please ensure wrapped cakes/etc are labelled in accordance with the Food Standards Code Part 1.2 – Labelling and other information requirements i.e. description of food, ingredients, date markings, allergens

Food will be Labelled*This field is required.
Temperature Control

Temperature control

Hot food ie cooked sausages must be stored above 60°C

Cold food ie raw sausages must be stored below 5°C eg in fridge / esky with ice.

There will be Appropriate Temperature Control Measures*This field is required.

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