Umbrella Insurance Program Community Groups Expression of Interest (EOI) Form

Definitions of Insurance:

Public and Products Liability Insurance

A public and products liability policy will protect you from the financial risk associated with these types of claims. For a claim that is covered by the policy, the policy will pay the costs to investigate, defend or settle such claims and will also cover the cost of compensating the injured party.

Associations Liability Insurance (only incorporated groups can obtain this insurance)

Association Liability Insurance incorporates elements of professional indemnity cover and management liability cover to protect the organisation, office bearers and employees against legal costs and damages expenses that could arise from allegations of misconduct, breach of duty, mismanagement and more.

Volunteer Workers Insurance: Death and Capital Benefits

Voluntary Workers Personal Accident Insurance provides financial compensation and cover for defined out-of-pocket expenses if an accident results in the injury or death of a volunteer.

Applicant Details

Community Group Details

Is the group currently in operation?*This field is required.
Does the group currently have insurance?*This field is required.
Any past claims?*This field is required.
What insurance cover is required by your group? Please indicate all that is required:
*This field is required.
Does the group currently have access to insurance through an affiliate organisation, or state or national body ?*This field is required.
Is the group currently registered as a sole trader or business*This field is required.
Is the group currently located/operating in the Town of Bassendean (Ashfield, Eden Hill or Bassendean)?*This field is required.